This module lets you store and share your business' "Contacts" information: email, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
Important notice:
You most probably already use an address book software of some kind. Groobix is not intended to replace that software. This is just a very simple, and affordable way of "sharing" contact information with your team, and having that information always available, from any computer, or any smartphone.
You probably don't want to have your phone's address book all bloated with contacts that you don't use often, but still want to be able to access that info every once in a while.
Or maybe you just want to have your assistant manage your contacts for you.
Maybe you only need a centralized repository for your team´s work contacts, and you don't want to mix that information with each other's personal address books.
These are some of the cases where you will find Groobix Contacts really helpful.
There is nothing new in this module that you don´t already know.
Just enter your contacts information in the proper fields.
As in most other Groobix' data, you can have Tasks and Comments associated with any Contact.
Select the field located at the bottom of your Contact form, to choose the members in your team that are allowed to access this contact.
1. Click on "Shared Contacts" to view all your team´s contacts that are being "Shared".
2. You can use the search box to quickly find the contact info you are looking for.
1. "My Contacts" will show you a list with all the contacts YOU entered into Groobix.