The HOME page in Groobix is the central work area where you can quickly find everything you need to get your job done.
The Inbox is a summary of all the activities you have to do at Groobix.
It includes things from most of your Groobix modules:
- pending Tasks
- Sales activities from the CRM Sales module
- Collections due
- Customer support tickets to answer
- etc.
This information is classified in "Delayed", "Today" and "Done Today" with a color-based informational scheme that makes it extremely easy to find out everything you must pay attention to in order to keep the ball rolling.
The Latest News page shows your team's latest activity in Groobix.
By visiting this page you will keep up to date with everything your team has been doing.
We have included this "Getting Started" page to help our new users.
With this quick tour of the most basic functions in Groobix, you will learn how to use the system in just a couple of minutes.